
Что такое "палиндром"

List of the best palindrome sentences:


A dog! A panic in a pagoda.

A lot not new I saw as I went on to L.A.

A man, a plan, a canal – Panama

A new order began, a more Roman age bred Rowena.

A Toyota. Race fast, safe car. A Toyota.

Able was I ere I saw Elba

Amore, Roma.

Animal loots foliated detail of stool lamina.

Anne, I vote more cars race Rome to Vienna

Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era?

Barge in! Relate mere war of 1991 for a were-metal Ernie grab!

Bird rib.

Bombard a drab mob.

But sad Eva saved a stub.

Campus Motto: Bottoms up, Mac!

Cigar? Toss it in a can. It is so tragic.

Dennis sinned.

Did I draw Della too tall, Edward? I did?

Do nine men interpret? “Nine men,” I nod.

Dog, as a devil deified, lived as a god.

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