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28.04.24 Centralized Testing: Lexical-grammar tests: Practice Test 17

22.04.24 Centralized Testing: Lexical-grammar tests: Practice Test 16

14.04.24 Centralized Testing: Lexical-grammar tests: Practice Test 15

09.04.24 Teachers: Lexical material: Lexical test “What is mass media?”

08.02.24 Centralized Testing: Lexical-grammar tests (destination B2): Food and Drink

06.02.24 Pupils: 10th form: How to Describe a Painting (plan)

06.02.24 Teachers: Lexical material: How to Describe a Painting (plan)

04.02.24 Centralized Testing: Lexical-grammar tests: Practice Test 14

28.01.24 Teachers: Grammar material: Gerund or (to) Infinitive, 7th form

28.01.24 Centralized Testing: Lexical-grammar tests (destination B2): Health and fitness

24.01.24 Pupils: 10th form: Let’s start giving (prepositions, wordformation)

24.01.24 English language contests: 10th form: Communicative skills assessment

24.01.24 Pupils: 3rd form: What animals have the children got?

24.01.24 Pupils: 3rd form: I've got/I haven't got

24.01.24 Pupils: 3rd form: My family

24.01.24 Pupils: 10th form: Education

24.01.24 Pupils: 10th form: Be prepared!

24.01.24 Pupils: 10th form: Environmental issues

24.01.24 Centralized Testing: Lexical-grammar tests: Practice Test 13

24.01.24 Centralized Testing: Lexical-grammar tests: Practice Test 12

24.01.24 Centralized Testing: Lexical-grammar tests: Practice Test 11

24.01.24 Centralized Testing: Lexical-grammar tests: Practice Test 10

24.01.24 Centralized Testing: Lexical-grammar tests: Practice Test 9

25.12.23 Centralized Testing: Reference material: Articles in Set Expressions

25.12.23 Centralized Testing

Здесь показаны 25 последних изменений.